Monday, July 21, 2008

It's the same straight story all over the world

I guess its a Spanish video because the description says "nudo".

Its the same story all over the world!

I guess its a Spanish video because the description says "nudo".

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Men are ashamed of being naked before another man, why?

..... because they know that there is sexuality between them. Even when the society, and they themselves deny it, and live as if sexuality/ eroticism between them does not exist, they are subconsciously highly aware of it. But the society expects them not to be shy of getting naked in front of guys because, it claims that there are no sexual feelings involved.

Notice that the guy stripping the junior is jokingly called 'gay' by the person who posted the video. Men don't seem to mind it if this labelling doesn't threaten their membership of the men's space. It becomes an issue only when this label is used in a 'heterosexual' space, where it threatens a man's membership of that space (men's spaces are converted into heterosexual spaces in the west).

If straight men are not aroused by other men, why do they do things like strip a boy?

Straight men do not accept their sexual feelings for men. And it is because they are only too aware of the strong social mechanisms, especially that of Sexual orientation, developed by the heterosexual society, that will isolate them out of the men's space (straight) into the third sex space (gay).

But their sexual feelings come out when there is an excuse or a traditioin, and there are no women around, and it is their space, men's space -- without the formal society's presence. Then the boys let go of their sexual feelings and indulge themselves, although not fully, but still -- considering that they are not supposed to have any sexual feelings for men at all, a lot of their guards does come down.