Friday, September 12, 2008

stupid boys forced into sittin on each overs laps

From: seanroxs121
Added: January 26, 2007

fun 4 both of them kinda

RECLAIMING MANHOOD SITE NOTE: Even young boys, even in such heterosexualised West, know how to do Masti, even when the formal spaces are so anti it. Men create their own spaces in these formal spaces to give vent to their frustrations while they are dealing with social manhood pressures.
Unfortunately, these spaces are meant only to give vent to frustrations superficially. Conditioning of 'straight' boys do not let them go beyond that. Their goal in life is to cut off their sexual need for men altogether and to somehow develop a sexual need for women.

There's also another point to be noted. When straight boys/ men indulge in masti with other boys/ men, then, in order for it not to be called 'sexual interest' they are said to be 'funny' or 'stupid'.

Also See:
(a) Acting stupid to avoid pressure to show sexual interest in women.

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